Exciting Activities and Things To Do With Grandkids

Spending time with your grandkids is a wonderful way to create meaningful memories and strengthen your bond. Whether you enjoy indoor or outdoor activities, there are countless things to do with grandkids that can bring joy and excitement to your time together.

At The Merion, we provide a welcoming environment for our residents and their families, offering numerous opportunities to bridge the generation gap and engage in fun activities  within our community and in the charming neighborhood of Evanston.

Indoor Activities

When the weather isn’t cooperating, or you’re looking for  cozy indoor fun, there are plenty of activities to enjoy with your grandkids. Here are some engaging ideas to make your time together memorable:

Crafting and DIY Projects

Creating something together can be  fun and rewarding. Whether it’s painting, knitting or making homemade decorations, crafting allows you and your grandkids to express creativity and work as a team.

You can create holiday decorations, design personalized greeting cards or even make simple jewelry. These activities not only stimulate creativity but also leave you with cherished keepsakes.

senior woman baking with her granddaughter

Cooking and Baking

Spend time in the kitchen whipping up favorite recipes or trying new ones. Baking cookies, making homemade pizzas, or even preparing a full meal together can be a delightful and tasty way to bond.

You can teach your grandkids family recipes, share cooking tips, and enjoy the fruits of your labor with a delicious meal or dessert. Cooking and baking also teach valuable skills, such as measuring ingredients, following instructions, and the joy of sharing food with loved ones.

Board Games and Puzzles

Board games and puzzles are timeless activities that are perfect for all ages. From classic games like Monopoly and Scrabble to engaging puzzles, these activities can be both entertaining and educational. They help develop critical thinking, strategy, and patience.

You can also introduce your grandkids to simple games of checkers or chess. These games can be a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon.

Playing Cards

Playing card games is a wonderful way to spend time together and engage in friendly competition. Whether you enjoy classics like Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Rummy, or more strategic games like Bridge or Poker, card games are perfect for all ages.

They help improve memory, strategy skills, and hand-eye coordination. Plus, they are easy to set up and can be played almost anywhere, making them an ideal indoor activity.

Reading and Storytelling

Reading books together or sharing stories from your own childhood can be a magical experience. It’s a wonderful way to pass down family history and ignite your grandkids’ imagination.

You can take turns reading aloud, discuss the stories, and explore different genres. Storytelling allows you to connect on a deeper level, sharing lessons and values through tales of adventure, humor, and wisdom.

Indoor Sports and Exercise

If your grandkids are full of energy, consider indoor sports like table tennis, yoga or even a dance party. Keeping active indoors can be just as fun as outdoor play. Set up a mini obstacle course, have a hula hoop contest or practice simple yoga poses together.

These activities help burn off energy, improve coordination, and promote a healthy lifestyle. You can also join online exercise classes designed for kids and adults, making fitness fun and interactive.

Art and Music

Engaging in art and music can be a wonderful way to spend time together. You can have a drawing or painting session, create a scrapbook or even try sculpting with clay. Music activities like singing, playing instruments or having a karaoke session can be joyful and entertaining. These activities foster creativity and allow you to explore and enjoy different forms of artistic expression.

Science Experiments

Turn your home into a mini science lab with simple and safe experiments. Activities like making slime, building a volcano or creating a rainbow with a prism can be  educational and fun. These experiments stimulate curiosity and encourage a love for learning, making science an exciting adventure.

Movie Marathons and Theater

Host a movie marathon with your grandkids’ favorite films or introduce them to classic movies from your own childhood. Create a cozy movie-watching environment with blankets and popcorn.

Alternatively, you can put on a small theater production, where everyone gets to act out different roles in a play or story. These activities provide entertainment and allow for creative expression and bonding.

Senior man walking with his grandson on his shoulders

Outdoor Activities

Evanston offers a walkable and safe environment with a community feel, making it an ideal place to explore with your grandkids. Below are some outdoor activities to enjoy together:

Nature Walks and Hikes

Take advantage of Evanston’s beautiful parks and nature trails. A walk in the park, a hike through nearby woods or a stroll along the lakefront can be a refreshing way to spend time together and appreciate nature.

As you walk, you can play games like scavenger hunts, identify different plants and animals, or simply enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings. Nature walks provide an excellent opportunity to teach your grandkids about the environment and instill a love for the outdoors.


Biking is a great way to explore the neighborhood and get some exercise. There are plenty of bike-friendly paths in and around Evanston, providing a safe and enjoyable experience for riders of all ages.

You can plan a biking adventure to a local ice cream shop, ride along scenic routes or simply cruise around the community.

Biking not only promotes physical fitness but also allows you to spend quality time together while exploring new places.


Pack a picnic and head to a local park for a relaxing meal outdoors. Picnics are a simple yet delightful way to enjoy the fresh air and spend quality time with your grandkids. Choose a picturesque spot, lay out a blanket, and enjoy sandwiches, fruits, and snacks together.

You can bring along  outdoor games like frisbee, badminton or a ball to add more fun to your picnic outing. Picnics provide a perfect setting for conversations, laughter, and wonderful memories.

Visits to Local Attractions

Evanston is home to numerous attractions that can be fun for the whole family. Visit local museums, zoos, or botanical gardens to learn something new and enjoy the day together.

For example, the Evanston History Center offers fascinating exhibits about the area’s past, while the nearby Lincoln Park Zoo provides an exciting day trip to see animals from around the world. Botanical gardens, such as the Chicago Botanic Garden, offer beautiful landscapes and educational programs that can be both inspiring and enjoyable.


If you have a green thumb, share your love of gardening with your grandkids. Planting flowers, vegetables or even creating a small herb garden can be a fun and educational activity. Gardening teaches kids about the life cycle of plants, responsibility, and the joy of nurturing living things.

You can assign them their own small plot or garden bed and work together to plant seeds, water the plants, and watch them grow. The sense of accomplishment they feel when the plants start to bloom or produce vegetables is priceless.

Playground and Park Visits

Evanston boasts a variety of playgrounds and parks that are perfect for active play. Take your grandkids to a nearby playground where they can swing, slide, and climb to their heart’s content. Many parks also have open spaces for running, playing catch or flying kites. These visits allow your grandkids to burn off energy while you enjoy the outdoors together.

Beach Outings

Evanston and The Merion’s proximity to Lake Michigan provides wonderful opportunities for beach outings. Spend a day building sandcastles, splashing in the water or simply relaxing on the shore. Beach outings are a great way to enjoy the summer weather, and the lakeside setting offers endless possibilities for fun and exploration.

Farmers Markets and Community Events

Visit local farmers markets and community events that often take place in Evanston. Farmers markets are a great way to teach your grandkids about healthy eating and where food comes from. They can help pick out fresh fruits, vegetables, and treats while learning about local produce. Community events, such as outdoor concerts, festivals, and fairs, provide additional entertainment and opportunities to engage with the local culture.

The Benefits of Spending Time With Grandchildren

Spending time with your grandchildren is not only enjoyable but also immensely beneficial for both grandparents and grandchildren.

This cherished time together fosters deep connections, promotes well-being, and creates lasting memories. Here are some key benefits of spending time with your grandchildren:

Strengthening Family Bonds

One of the most significant benefits of spending time with grandchildren is the strengthening of family bonds. Engaging in shared activities, whether  playing games, cooking or exploring the outdoors, helps build a sense of trust and closeness.

These interactions provide a foundation for a strong, supportive family relationship that can last a lifetime.

Emotional Well-Being

For grandparents, spending time with grandchildren can greatly enhance emotional well-being

The joy and laughter shared with grandchildren can reduce feelings of loneliness and depression. Knowing you are an important part of your grandchildren’s lives provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment..

For grandchildren, the love and attention they receive from their grandparents contribute to their sense of security and self-worth.

Cognitive Benefits

Interacting with grandchildren can have cognitive benefits for grandparents. Engaging in activities that require thinking and planning, such as puzzles, board games, and storytelling, helps keep the mind active and sharp.

These interactions stimulate cognitive functions, which can help delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline.

Teaching and Learning Opportunities

Spending time with grandchildren offers unique opportunities for teaching and learning. Grandparents can pass down valuable life skills, family traditions, and cultural heritage.

Whether it’s teaching them how to bake a family recipe, sharing stories from the past, or imparting wisdom on life’s challenges, these lessons are invaluable.

Conversely, grandchildren can teach grandparents about new technologies, current trends, and fresh perspectives, fostering a mutual exchange of knowledge.

Physical Activity

Many activities with grandchildren involve physical movement, which is beneficial for both parties. Playing outdoor games, gardening or even going for a walk together encourages physical activity, which is essential for maintaining good health.

Staying active with your grandchildren can improve cardiovascular health, flexibility, and overall fitness.

Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

For grandchildren, spending time with grandparents can significantly boost self-esteem and confidence. The unconditional love and positive reinforcement from grandparents can help children feel valued and supported.

Engaging in activities where they can succeed, such as crafts, sports or academic pursuits, reinforces their sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

Stress Reduction

Spending time with grandchildren can be a great stress reliever for grandparents. The playful and carefree nature of children can provide a welcome distraction from the stresses of daily life. 

The act of nurturing and caring for grandchildren also releases endorphins, which promote a sense of happiness and relaxation.

Creating Lasting Memories

The moments spent together create lasting memories that both grandparents and grandchildren will cherish. These shared experiences, whether big or small, become a part of the family’s history and narrative.

The stories of these times together can be passed down through generations, keeping the family’s legacy alive.

Enhancing Social Connections

Interacting with grandchildren often means engaging in their social activities, such as school events, sports games, and community gatherings. This helps grandparents stay socially active and connected to a broader community.

Maintaining these social connections is crucial for mental and emotional health, particularly as people age.

Encouraging Lifelong Learning

Spending time with grandchildren encourages a lifelong love of learning. Whether it’s through exploring nature, visiting museums, or sharing your lifelong learning class with your grandchildren, their curiosity and enthusiasm can reignite a passion for learning in grandparents. This mutual exploration and discovery enrich both their lives.

Creating Memories at The Merion

At The Merion, we pride ourselves on being a vibrant community where residents can enjoy quality time with their families. Our beautiful communal spaces and well-appointed apartments provide the perfect setting for a variety of activities with your grandkids.

Whether you prefer staying indoors, exploring the great outdoors or engaging in fun events within our community, there’s always something exciting to do together.

We encourage our residents to take full advantage of the walkable Evanston community. With so many activities and attractions nearby, there’s always something exciting to do with your grandkids.

The walkable and safe environment of Evanston, combined with its urban charm and community feel, makes it an excellent place for grandparents and grandchildren to explore and enjoy.

At The Merion, our comfortable and well-equipped communal spaces foster a warm and inviting environment for creating lasting memories. Take a look at our game room, equipped with a dart board, skeeball machine, air hockey table, ping pong table, shuffleboard table, pool table, and video game machines like Pac-Man. Whether you choose to craft, cook, play, or simply share stories, the time spent with your grandkids indoors can be incredibly special and enriching.

photo of game room

Additionally, there are many opportunities just outside the doors of The Merion, providing endless possibilities for fun and exploration.

The Merion is full of residents who love to spend time with their families. Whether in an apartment or in our beautiful communal spaces, there’s room for everyone when it comes to making memories. Give us a call today at ​847-250-0667 to learn more about our community and discover all the wonderful things you can do with your grandkids at The Merion and beyond.

