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Intergenerational Programs: Bonding At Its Best

Intergenerational Programs: Bonding At Its Best

We all grew up learning the importance of teamwork, cooperation and respect. After all, most of the joys in life involve creating new experiences, meeting new people and forming meaningful connections.   In the modern era, it may seem challenging to forge significant...

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Preserving Memories, Conserving Health

Preserving Memories, Conserving Health

We all have a story to tell, whether we believe it, or not. What one person may believe is too mundane may be inspirational to another. Preserving our memories by journaling can be a great way to chronicle life’s journey, but it can also be beneficial in many other...

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The Key to Aging Gracefully

The Key to Aging Gracefully

The Key to Aging Gracefully We all aspire to age gracefully. It may not always feel easy, but if you manage to follow to a few key lifestyle guidelines then you are well on your way to developing the positive routines to help you along the way. Researchers point to...

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Health Benefits Are Simply Boun-TEA-ful

Health Benefits Are Simply Boun-TEA-ful

A (not so) new trend is brewing in cities across America. Although steeped in tradition dating back to 2000 BCE, tea, tea rooms and tea shops have been gaining popularity over the past several years, despite the US’s reputation as a coffee nation. If you are asking...

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Furry Friends: More Than Just Pets

Furry Friends: More Than Just Pets

If you happened to miss it, this past February 20th was Love Your Pet Day. Described as an ‘unofficial national holiday…to focus on the special relationship that you have with your pets,’ this extraordinary occasion is just another way that pet lovers can celebrate...

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Protect Yourself Against Scams and Shams

Protect Yourself Against Scams and Shams

It’s known as the crime of the 21st Century. Fraud against older adults is not only alarmingly common, but on the rise. “Scam artists prey on seniors for several reasons,” said Margaret Gergen, director of leasing for The Merion, a luxury senior rental community...

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The Science of Happiness

The Science of Happiness

Ask anyone to list what they value most in life and chances are that happiness ranks near the top. Merriam-Webster defines happiness as, “a state of well-being and contentment; a pleasurable or satisfying experience.” Happiness is a broad set of emotions that are...

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Keeping Your Identity Yours: Protection from Identity Theft

Keeping Your Identity Yours: Protection from Identity Theft

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all set goals for ourselves in the New Year. Some of us call them resolutions, while others, impervious to the term, call them ambitions or objectives.   Whichever ideology you may follow, devising a strategy for our daily life...

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