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New Year, New You?  It’s The Best Resolution

New Year, New You? It’s The Best Resolution

With the excitement and exhilaration of the holiday season fresh in our minds, we have much to celebrate these days. Temperatures are falling and with the doldrums of the winter upon us, the holiday season comes at the perfect time when we seem need it most. As we...

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Be Connected – The Importance of Social Connections

Be Connected – The Importance of Social Connections

When thinking about life today it’s easy to overlook the multitude of technological advances that have been made in our lifetime. Not to mention our near constant dependence on them each day. Just think for a moment about withdrawing money from an ATM, using a...

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Get By With A Little Help From A Hug

Get By With A Little Help From A Hug

Children require them. Grandparents live for them. Parents savor each and every one of them. Of course, teens abhor them. At least that’s what they want us to believe. So just what is it about a nice nuzzle, a sincere squeeze, a cozy cuddle or heartfelt hug that seems...

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Evanston Arts Council for The Merion

Evanston Arts Council for The Merion

There is no denying that an appreciation for the arts is satisfying for both the spirit and the senses. From attending a theater production, or enjoying a hobby such as playing an instrument, singing or painting, there are so many benefits to the arts. Although there...

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In Bloom: Gardening Cultivates A Healthier Way of Life

In Bloom: Gardening Cultivates A Healthier Way of Life

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies, and it’s easy to understand why. With gardening you can enjoy the fresh air, get a little sun, let your creativity shine and literally enjoy the fruits of your labor, which are always beautiful and delicious! The Benefits...

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Who Rescued Whom?

Who Rescued Whom?

I had a friend named Oscar. He was older. His friends had found other places to live and long moved away. He still had a lot of pep, but was well into his golden years. He was lonely and felt isolated. He was still looking for that special place to call home and that...

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Young at Heart

Young at Heart

Ah, to be young again. Most would agree that the agility and spryness exuberated in ‘those days’ is something to look back on with nostalgia. It was a time when endless creativity and playing games occupied our attention for hours on end, and coming in for dinner was...

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Get Your Daily Dose

Get Your Daily Dose

We’re all in search of that wonder drug. You know, the one that will alleviate stress, reduce the blues, boost the immune system, prevent wrinkles and help us feel great. One antidote that can actually cure it all seems like a joke, right? It turns out that this...

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Healing Notes: The Benefits of Music

Healing Notes: The Benefits of Music

It is said that music is the language of the soul. As poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once so eloquently put it, “Music is the universal language of mankind.” Every culture has had it and for thousands of years it has influenced humans in various ways. From primitive...

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